1885 - Ivan Kozarac was born on February 8th in Vinkovci
1886 - Marija Kozarac was born on January 3rd in Vinkovci
1889 - Josip Kozarac published novel Mrtvi kapitali in magazine Vijenac
1890 - Vinkovci got a first telephone line on April 22nd
1895 - Economy Association Vinkovci held first trade exhibition
1896 - Girls School Vinkovci finished (contemporary Ivan Goran Kovačić elementary school located in Ulica hrvatskih žrtava number 11)
1897 - The first number of the weekly magazine named Vinkovci und Umgebung (Vinkovci and Surroundings) was published on October 3rd
1898 - Firefighting tower was finished
1900 - Croatian Poet and Musical Society “Relković” was established
1905 - A new, steel bridge crossing the river Bosut in the city center was built to replace the old wooden one (the steel bridge was destroyed during the battle of Vinkovci on April 12th and 13th in 1945-Hrvatski sokol Association founded in Vinkovci
1907 - The year the reconstruction and rebuild of the Brodska imovna općina building began. The building was renovated in famous secession style. During that time, that was the biggest and the most expensive construction project in Croatia. The project was overviewed by the famous architect Herman Bole.
1909 - Boys School Vinkovci’s building was finished (contemporary Josip Kozarac elementary school located in Ulica hrvatskih žrtava number 13)
1910 - Ivan Kozarac died on November 16th in Vinkovci
Text: Danijel Petković, MA
1885 - Born on February 8th in a poor family by father Nikola and mother Stana in the Krnjaš borough, house number 37
1898 - Father Nikola died-Ivan left high school-Started working as a notary intern with the Vinkovci County Court
1900 - 1906 - Worked as a paralegal in Levin Plemić law firm in Vinkovci
1902 - Published his first song Slavjanstvo and his first short story “Slijepac” in Naša sloga
1903 - Diagnosed with tuberculosis which was incurable at the time
1904 - Finished his handwritten notebook Život
1905 - Finished his handwritten notebook Vesni while getting the treatment in Kraljevica
1907 - Joined the army on January 15th in Petrovaradin, soldier in the 70th Infantry regiment Unteroffiziers-Bildungs- Schule -Reassigned to Karlovac -Started working on Đuka Begović in November
1909 - Started treatment at the Karlovac military hospital Started working as a manager with the Croatian Writers and Directors Association publishing company in Zagreb in September
1910 - Received treatment in Brestovac sanatorium near Sljeme thanks to the doctor and fellow writer Milivoj Dežman - Returned to Vinkovci gravely ill -Died on November 16th in his birth house - Buried in Vinkovci Mary Magdalene cemetery on November 18th -His works, including Pjesme, Izabrane pripovijetke and Đuka Begović, were published posthumously in Split, Vinkovci and Zagreb respectively